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Former Green Party Candidate Seeks Nomination Once Again

Jill Stein Launches 2024 Presidential Bid

Former Green Party Candidate Seeks Nomination Once Again

Stein Announces Run on November 9, 2023

Jill Stein, a longtime political activist and two-time Green Party presidential candidate, has launched a new bid for the White House in 2024. Stein made the announcement on November 9, 2023, stating that she is running to offer voters an alternative to the "failed two-party system." She plans to focus her campaign on a pro-worker, anti-war, and climate action agenda.

Stein, 73, first ran for president in 2012, receiving over 460,000 votes. In 2016, she again represented the Green Party, garnering over 1.4 million votes. Despite her previous electoral defeats, Stein remains a prominent figure in progressive politics and has been outspoken on issues such as environmental protection, healthcare, and social justice.

In her announcement, Stein emphasized the importance of offering voters a choice outside of the Democratic and Republican parties. She stated, "We need a president who will put the needs of the people first, not the corporations or the wealthy elite. I'm running to give voters a real chance to create a better future for themselves and their families."
